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All About Barb...

I wear many hats.  I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a nurse, and an artist.  I am also a dreamer and a believer.
It is my hope that as I move through this world I can inspire and motivate others to not only believe in their dreams but to help them to become reality.
Barb Moeller
Founder and Principal

At the tender age of sixteen, Barb Moeller had dreams of becoming a nature photojournalist. However, that dream had to be put on hold while she pursued the more practical profession of nursing. Although she immersed herself in her chosen profession, there was always a part of her that remained attached to her dream. Photography became a hobby and Barb could easily be spotted at any gathering - she always had a camera around her neck! Finally, after 10 years of nursing, her creative voices would be silenced no longer. On a whim, Barb attended a Women's Retreat in April of 1998 in Southampton, NY.

One of the things that appeared at the retreat was a cardinal. This bird would appear whenever Barb was facing a particularly painful moment. After the retreat, the cardinal continued to appear - ever present to remind her of the journey she began. In the summer of 1999, Barb returned to Southampton for an Artist's Retreat. And as Barb returned, so did the cardinal. At this retreat, she met other creative individuals whose dreams had also lay dormant for too many years. In addition to her photography, she also discovered she had a talent for water coloring. She decided that she needed to ignore the voices that kept telling her that she wasn't good enough. It was time to put her talents to use. In January of 2000, Barb took the first of many leaps by facilitating a twelve-week discussion group based on Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. The overwhelmingly positive response from this workshop encouraged Barb to create Cardinal Inspirations in June of 2000. Under this name, Barb began producing her own line of greeting cards using her original photos. But she does not stop there; the mission of Cardinal Inspirations is to "Dream, believe and enhance creative freedom and joy for spiritual and self-seeking individuals." As a means to this end, Barb continues to develop and facilitate workshops and programs that encourage others to get beyond limiting beliefs and to uncover and unleash the hidden talents inherent in all of us.

What can I do for you?

I provide an eclectic range of services that can be found on my "Services" page.  Please review my offerings and contact me if I can be of any assistance.  If you have something specific in mind that you do not see, please do not hesitate to ask.  I am always willing to try something new!

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