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Artistic Creations and Workshops...


At the core of my personal journey as a creative is my love of  photography - the ability to capture a moment in time and preserve it for eternity.


Early on I was drawn to nature as my venue of choice and I found myself braving all kinds of terrain and weather in order to get the proverbial "perfect shot."  What I learned is that nature itself IS perfection and, while I may have been personally dissatisfied with my rendering of a particular subject, it was still flawless in the context of the Universe.  I learned to be grateful for every overexposure and blur because they taught me the patience and understanding that are so vital when working as an artist.  I became even more grateful when digital technology emerged as film was getting to be a real expense!


I have used many of my nature photos to create my own line of personalized greeting cards and have also customized them for use by friends and family. 


My skills as a photographer have been recognized in juried art shows.  Some of my most recent commissioned work is on display in the lobby of The Greater Pittston YMCA.  I have also had the pleasure of photgraphing some up and coming fitness professionals for use on their websites.


My newest venture, and perhaps greatest challenge, is children's portraits.  Use my "Contact" page to inquire about rates for individual, group, or event photography. 

Mixed Media/Workshops


If you were to walk into a kindergarten art class and ask the question, "Who in here knows how to draw?"

Without exception every child will raise their hand.  When I begin an activity with a group of adults and ask the very same question I usually hear crickets.


It's not that we have forgotten how to draw along the way to adulthood, it is that we somehow adopted the belief that we have to draw WELL according to someone else's standards.  So we play small and continue to color within the lines so that we won't be criticized.


At the very heart of being creative is the WILLINGNESS to be VULNERABLE.  It takes a tremendous amount of courage to put our work and, by extension ourselves, on display in order to be judged.


I have developed a series of workshops that are designed to help us overcome the voices that tell us that we, and our work/art, is not good enough.


Click here to see some of my offerings.





There are times in life when we are either unable to hear our muses or we allow ourselves to get too busy to follow their guidance.  It is at times like these that I offer opportunities for creatives to give themselves permission to put life on hold and take some time to recharge.  Retreats can range from three to seven days depending on the theme and the number of interested parties.



All retreats offer unique combinations of programs developed by my team that encourage artistic spirits to cast aside negative energy and focus on their art - free from life's distractions. 

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